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I didn't start listening to kpop until my mid-20s. I can credit both of these interests to my best friend who I'll call H. She's been a kpop fan since before music
streaming was really a thing, when it was a lot harder to get here in America. It's kind of hard to imaging now in the age of BTS lol. Her favorite group is SHINee. I'll admit it took
a little while for me to come to appreciate them like she does, but I can fully say now they're my favorite as well. They're just SO GOOD. If you disagree I'm sorry for your lack of taste lol.
While I love SHINee as a whole, I am ESPECIALLY fond of TAEMIN. If you told me when I was sixteen that as a full grown ass adult I'd stan a kpop star so hard I'd probably ask what stan means
and then I'd kick your ass. But here I am lol. He's just too good. I feel extremely lucky to have seen SHINee live in concert, it truly was a once in a lifetime experience.