This page is a constant work is progress! This site is best viewed on a computer!
This website is just a personal project of mine. It's a place for me to express myself however I
like. The layout is my own, all the html and css is also by me with lots of help from tutorials
around the web. It's pretty jank lol so it'd be silly to steal any of it I think. Please don't
repost my art though, but use my pixels if you wanna idc. Anything on my deviantart is free to
use, but I'd appreciate credit.
All my links are in the little dialog box on the homepage, including my etsy and my webcomic- I'd love
for you to take a look!
Please feel free to leave a message in the chat if you want, and share this site wherever.
I'm working on a new button, but when I have one I'll leave it here for whoever wants it.
Thanks for visiting! ^_^